Our Stories

Meet Board Member Jill Kersh

Every year we welcome new members to our board of directors. Each one of these people brings a wealth of experience and a love for our community with them. One of our new members is Jill Kersh, a certified professional life coach and founder of Thrive Unlimited. We recently did a Q&A with Jill about her and her desire to impact her family and community through giving back.

CFNEG: Why is giving important to you?
Jill: I have a personal desire to positively impact others, give back to my community, and hopefully leave the world better than I found it. Part of my continued motivation in devoting a great deal of time to philanthropic causes has been my desire to teach my kids by example that if we are physically and financially fortunate we give back to others who are less so. My children are all young adults now who have heeded the lesson well and each give of their time to make the world a better place. It is my goal to inspire others to do the same. In doing so we empower children/young adults, helping them realize they have the ability to positively impact important causes.They can turn their giving dream into a reality.

I want to create generations of giving and thus leave a legacy of love and hope. It feels good to carry on my mother’s life lessons and pass on that legacy of love and giving to the next generation(s) of my family. Eight months ago I welcomed my first grandchild (a beautiful granddaughter) into the world. I am even more motivated to share generations of giving with my sweet granddaughter. Along with my kind-hearted children I look forward to creating a true legacy of love that adds hope to many peoples lives!

CFNEG: What are some of your goals as a board member?
Jill: I am honored to be a member of CFNEG’s board of directors. This position will give me the ability to learn much more about our community’s needs. Through that education I intend to spread the word and connect those with philanthropic hearts to this fabulous organization which can help them accomplish their giving goals.

There are a multitude of very important causes out there, and I look forward to having the ability to diversify and assist many. I have spent 20 years raising funds for cancer-related causes and am proud of all that was accomplished and the funds raised and given. Now I look forward to impacting a larger and more diverse arena of important and meaningful causes.

CFNEG: What do you want people to know about the Community Foundation?
Jill: The Community Foundation is filled with competence and caring! The president and CEO, Randy Redner, is extremely attuned to the needs of others and our community. He has an incredible ability to connect people who care with the causes that matter to them. I have known Randy for over twenty years and in that time I have seen him work tirelessly and passionately for philanthropy. He and his incredible team are constantly updating their knowledge of our community needs and finding ways to positively impact them.

CFNEG: Why should people give through the Community Foundation?
Jill: I encourage everyone to give through the Community Foundation! Doing so gives you the ability to grow your fund rapidly (with the expertise of their advisors), to connect with causes and individuals in need, and to make more of an impact where it matters most (to both you and your community).

The Community Foundation has a true pulse on the changing needs of our community. They educate us, increase our awareness of needs, give us instruction, help us grow our funds, and increase our ability to impact those in need.

Their donor advised funds give many individuals and groups the ability to collect funds for a great cause and make a huge difference, without the large undertaking of reinventing the wheel and becoming a 501(c)3. Giving through the Community Foundation is a win/win for both you and those you want to assist!

CFNEG: What other causes/organizations are you passionate about?
Jill: This is my third year involved with the Gwinnett Giving Girls. It has been exciting to be part of this local circle of giving, working with other passionate women to create a momentum of assisting meaningful organizations impacting women and children in Gwinnett County through grants. One of these is Nana Grants that makes it possible for driven women to gain the education they need to re-enter the workforce and supply for their family. Without the childcare grants given these intelligent and dedicated women could not successfully complete school and bring their dreams to life. Dress for Success is another very worthy organization that helps women reenter the workforce through educating and empowering women in many important areas including interviewing skills, resume building and much more. They truly help create a future for these women and their children!

I am also becoming aware of an increasing issue around hunger. Children cannot learn if they are constantly hungry and undernourished. I hope to raise funds to help alleviate this problem. Education, women and children are near and dear to my heart.

CFNEG: What do you love about your career?
Jill: I am very grateful to love my career. As a certified professional life coach I am fortunate to help people close the gap between the life they are living and the life they most want to live. I do this through one-on-one life and career coaching sessions, inspirational seminars, growth filled workshops and transformative retreats to luxury locations. It is extremely rewarding to help clients gain self awareness, self-confidence and create forward action. In doing so they experience more joy and fulfilment in all aspects of their life, including their personal life, family life and professional/ work life.

My company’s name is Thrive Unlimited, LLC because it is my personal goal to help each individual and company that hires me recognize their unlimited potential and thrive! My goal is to help each and every one of my clients surpass theirs!

CFNEG: Tell us about your family
Jill: I am the proud mom of three wonderful, supportive, philanthropic and successful children.

My oldest daughter, Jacquelyn, graduated from the University of Alabama as Journalism Student of the Year. She then had a very successful career with NBC in New York City, working at Rockefeller Plaza. In addition to working for Jimmy Fallon, Saturday Night Live, and Dr. Oz, she produced for The Today Show. She now has the very rewarding job of being a new mom to my first grandchild, Bridget Butler.

My son, Michael Kersh, graduated from Georgia Tech’s College of Engineering with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering. He is a Design Engineer II with Microsoft. He works in their corporate offices located in Seattle/Redmond, Washington. I have always told my children that they could do anything and the sky is the limit. Michael brought this saying to life when he helped design the chips for the Hololens, which NASA launched into outer space. Additionally he has created an algorithm which he has a patent for.

My youngest daughter, Nicole Kersh, graduated from the University of Alabama (Roll Tide!) with a Bachelor of Science degree. She majored in Psychology and minored in Biology. Nicole now utilizes this knowledge as an Ophthalmic Technician for a cornea, cataract and refractive surgeon. Nicole is highly dedicated and loves helping the numerous patients she works with. Her goal is to become a PA. Additionally Nicole is a tremendous fundraiser for meaningful causes and loves giving back to the community.

My oldest daughter (Jacqui) fell in love with and married her best friend since 5th grade. Therefore I have a wonderful son-in-law, Drew Butler. As a talented athlete/ punter he has made Gwinnett proud. Drew is in the Gwinnett County Sports Hall of Fame, has won the Ray Guy award & enjoyed a successful career in the NFL. He now is director of business development for Compass Family Offices and creator and host of  Punt & Pass Podcast, along with other on air broadcast talent.

This year I became a grandmother (“Lovey”/Nannie) for the first time to beautiful Bridget Butler! Her smile lights up a room and my heart. Now I understand how “grand” it is to be a grandmother and watch our children transition beautifully into becoming parents! I also am “Fun Mommy” to my sweet grand puppy 🙂

CFNEG: What are some of your hobbies/interests?
Jill: I enjoy hiking,snow skiing, boating, climbing mountains, reading, planting flowers and being outdoors. I also love cooking and entertaining! It’s fun to share food, wine and laughs with great company. I like to travel, explore, meet new people and be exposed to various cultures. I am a lifelong learner who truly loves to learn and grow.

CFNEG: What’s one thing people would be surprised to know about you?
Jill: During football season I am worse than most men! I love watching my teams play and often yell at the tv – to remind them what to do. (said giggling)  Roll Tide!