
Latest Events

Grant Writing in a Pandemic World

Join Elizabeth Hornbuckle and her Wellspring Nonprofit Resource team to learn valuable tips to improve your grant and foundation funding even during this pandemic. While navigating the COVID crisis, Elizabeth and her team “won” several 6 and 7 figure grant awards over the past year. Join this webinar…

Reimagining Leadership

We kicked off this year's Nonprofit Academy with our Reimagining Leadership event, featuring The John Maxwell Company, Disney Institute and the Chick-fil-A- Foundation! This powerful event with tremendous speakers and presentations was a great way to start the new year learning about best-practices in leadership, both for for-profits…

Pivoting our Education Program During a Pandemic

Last year we kicked off our education events with our first-ever Nonprofit Academy. Over 200 people, representing more than 100 nonprofits, attended our intensive, half-day of learning and networking for nonprofits. We offered 15 different sessions in five tracks: fundraising, leadership development, storytelling, business operation and relationship development.…

Year-end Fundraising Checklist

With so much to do during a season that's already so busy, how can you set your nonprofit up for end-of-year fundraising success? In this webinar, Martha Moore of the Swift School and Scott Sikes and Wes Wicker of Columns Fundraising shared how to strategically make the most…

Finding Scholarship Dollars for College

Our annual Finding Scholarship Dollars for College event is one of our largest attended every year. As research proves, a community with the best, most-educated talent wins the game. In communities where the education standard is high there is a higher standard of living. Higher education standards also…

Proven Strategies to Increase Grant Funding

Join Wellspring Nonprofit Resource to learn valuable tips to improve your grant and foundation funding. Each presenter has more than 25 years of grant writing and fundraising experience. They will discuss how to strengthen your nonprofit, finding the right prospects for your organization, setting your outcome objectives and…