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Granting Hope for NF Patients: Children’s Tumor Foundation
From Belgium to France to the United States—and ultimately to the Children’s Tumor Foundation (CTF)—CEO Annette Bakker, PhD, has traveled the world studying how cells function and communicate. Her background…
Matt Benvegna: Multiplying Goodness through Community Foundation
For Matt Benvegna, giving isn’t just an act of kindness; it’s a core value that shapes his life and legacy. As a donor-advised fund holder with the Community Foundation for…
Senior-focused volunteer-run organization grows impact as a nonprofit fundholder
In March 2023, Friends of Gwinnett Seniors celebrated its 25th anniversary. A milestone for a nonprofit that has truly been making a difference for seniors in need. Some of the…
Young philanthropist starts nonprofit to put kids on track to literacy
He grew up in Gwinnett, left for college, and came back to find his place. And found his place he has. Three years ago, 28-year-old JT Wu founded Preface, a…
Chugging along for charity: The model train fundraiser that raised thousands for local co-op
Donna and Jonathan Galucki have had a heart to give back for a long time. And the way they did it this past Christmas season was entirely new. It all…
How this fundholder is changing lives in Ukraine
He knew he had to act. Emory Morsberger visited Ukraine for the second time in June of 2022, and after seeing the needs of the people under the heartlessness of…
Bringing New Life to Honored Grounds
It's withstood 150 years of change. Nestled behind the town green, Duluth's Church Cemetery has evolved over the years into a cherished historic landmark — thanks to a dedicated group…
Growing their Giving
Meet the young couple practicing philanthropy in the community they grew up in Their story is all about community. The Gwinnett community they grew up in - a mile away…
In memory of Andy Waters
All of us at the Community Foundation express our deepest sympathy to our former CEO Judy Waters and her husband Mark on the sudden loss of their son Andy. We…