Human Services
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Senior-focused volunteer-run organization grows impact as a nonprofit fundholder
In March 2023, Friends of Gwinnett Seniors celebrated its 25th anniversary. A milestone for a nonprofit that has truly been making a difference for seniors in need. Some of the…
Young philanthropist starts nonprofit to put kids on track to literacy
He grew up in Gwinnett, left for college, and came back to find his place. And found his place he has. Three years ago, 28-year-old JT Wu founded Preface, a…
Meet the nonprofit providing help and healing to victims of sexual abuse and assault
One of our newest nonprofit fundholders, Mosaic Georgia, is a sexual assault and children’s advocay center based in Duluth. While we want to share the story of why they became…
Helping GCPS students see — and succeed
Were you one of those kids in school? The one who had to sit in the front row to see the board? Do you remember squinting to read or to…
Life Lessons from the Barn
What can horses teach us about life? A lot, actually. Just ask the boys and girls at Eagle Ranch - a Christ-centered nonprofit in Flowery Branch dedicated to healing children…
Meeting the Needs of Gwinnett’s Booming Senior Population
Did you know we currently have 136,604 seniors in Gwinnett and will have 200,000 by 2030? By then, we'll have more seniors than kids in Gwinnett County Public Schools! No…