Our Stories

Year-end Giving During a Pandemic

By Randy Redner In 2019, Americans gave a record $450 billion. History teaches us, though, that when times are tough Americans dig deeper and give bigger - and that’s what we’ve seen in 2020. In fact, the Chronicle of Philanthropy reported in October that giving was up 7.5…

Gigi’s Wish List!

Gigi, our Good2Give Elf, is at it again! This holiday season she’s sharing ways you can help care.  Just check out her list (Santa's helped her check it, of course!) of ways to give to our nonprofits. Gigi’s 2020 Wish List Annandale Village Annandale Wish List Give $$$…

Download Your Free Wills Guide!

Did you know that58% of Americans don’t have a will? That’s a shockingly large amount when you consider how important a will is. If you’ve been thinking about creating a will, or updating yours, there is no better time than now to do it. In fact, we can…

Three Tips for Effective Estate Planning

Do you know the three documents every American needs to have?According to Attorney Nathan Powell ofPowell & Edwardseveryone should have a: Healthcare Directive This functions as an emergency contact sheet, empowers and delegates healthcare decision-making responsibility, and allows some decisions to be made ahead of time. …

Have you thought about your legacy lately?

Attorney Nathan Powell’s own personal story reminds us of the importance of planning ahead. “Last December I was on the phone with my mom (former Gwinnett Judge Emily Powell, pictured above with our daughter). She was going to meet some family friends for dinner. We talked about what…

Apply for MADAC’s Grant Cycle!

Mothers and Daughters Against Cancer is accepting grant applications for 2020. Apply Now! Download Application  She had already heard those devastating words once. But in 1998, just seven years later, Susan Highsmith Graveline heard them again – “You have cancer”. Three weeks earlier Susan had founded Mothers…